Lenten Activities

Created by Tr. Trinh Pham


Hiep Si Lenten 2023 Checklist

According to the USCCB, Lent is a 40-day period of prayer, fasting, and almsgiving that begins on Ash Wednesday and ends on Holy Thursday. It's a period of preparation to celebrate the Lord's Resurrection at Easter. During Lent, we seek the Lord in prayer by reading Sacred Scripture; we serve by giving alms; and we practice self-control through fasting. This year, as you journey through the Lenten season, I challenge Hiep Si to check one item a day to know God more, love God more, and serve God more. You are also encourgaed to come up with some ideas on your own or as a group to check off. Hope you all have a meaningful lenten season.

ð      Read John 3: 14-18 and reflect on it

ð      Read Matthew 4: 1-11 and reflect on it

ð      Read Psalm 27:14 and reflect on it

ð      Spend 30 mins in Eucharistic Adoration

ð      Pray for peace

ð      Listen to a catholic podcast

ð      Participate in Holy Week

ð      Fast from plastic, reuse and recyle for the day

ð      Pray for vocation

ð      Pray as a group through lectio divina

ð      Give someone a compliment

ð      Attend a weekday mass

ð      Read the Sunday scripture before you go to Mass

ð      Abstain from meat on Good Friday

ð      Reflect on how you see God in yourself

ð      Reflect on how you see God in others

ð      Attend Ash Wednesday mass on February 22, 2023

ð      Abstain from meat on Ash Wednesday

ð      Sống ngày Thánh Thể through dâng ngày, dâng Lễ, and dâng đêm

ð      Attend a retreat

ð      Receive the Sacrament of Reconciliation

ð      Read the daily passage of the day

ð      Spend 5 mins in silence

ð      Be a volunteer in your community

ð      Call up a friend you haven’t talked to reconnect

ð      Say “I Love You” to your parents

ð      Meditate for 10 mins

ð      Participate in the Stations of the Cross

ð      Attend the Stattions of the Cross

ð      Journal your thoughts and feelings for the day

ð      Forgive someone

ð      Ask for forgiveness from someone

ð      Pray for world leaders

ð      Abstain from social media for the day

ð      Get up 15 mins early to give thanks and offer the day to God

ð      Reflect on something you regret

ð      Donate to a charity of your choice