Đoàn Saviô

Đoàn Saviô was born in 1999 after our founder, Trần Thế Duy, saw how a chapter of the Vietnamese Eacharistic Youth Movement (VEYM) at a nearby church provided a safe haven for Vietnamese-American Catholic youths to be themselves, helped the youths to learn more about their cultural and religious identity, and empowered the youths to become leaders in their community. After a year of sinh hoạt and training in the VEYM ways, Đoàn Đôminicô Saviô was officially established on Sunday, June 25, 2000 in the Vietnamese Catholic Community of the Queen of Vietnamese Martyrs in Springfield, Massachusetts. At the time, there were about 50 youths and 10 youth leaders and junior youth leaders, led by our founding chaplain, Fr. Trần Đình Quỳnh.

Since then, our chapter has grown tremendously in number and in spirit under the guidance of Fr. Đặng Đinh Hà, the support of the Phaolo Hanh league of chapters’ executive board, the perseverance and countless sacrifices of our own youth leaders, as well as the many contributions from our parish members.

Today, there are about 120 youths, 15 active huynh trưởng, and 3 trợ tá in our chapter. Our community of dedicated youths and youth leaders have weathered many changes and endured many challenges, but what remains the same is our mission to serve one another in the spirit of God and to love the way that God loves.

Visit us


Địa Điểm:

St. Paul Roman Catholic Church

235 Dwight Road

Springfield, MA 01108

Ngày Giờ Sinh Hoạt:

Sunday 1:45PM – 3:00PM

  • L.M. Phêrô Đặng Đinh Hà


  • Trưởng Phêrô Trần Elvis


  • Trưởng Catarina Lê Nana


  • Trưởng Anna Phạm Trinh

  • Trưởng Têrêsa Vũ Theresa

  • Trưởng Phêrô Trần Lê