Blind Faith

Created by Tr. Ryan Cao

Bible Verse: Acts 9:1-19; Saul’s Conversion

Materials: Balloons, Hula Hoops, Marker, Blindfold


Gameplay:  1. Split your nganh into 2 teams (minimum).

                  2. Blow up balloons and mark them with different numbers(1-5).   

                        Place the same numbered balloons in hula hoops spread out across a 

                        large area.

                    3.  Select one em to be Saul for each team.

                   4. “Saul” will then collect as many balloons as he can and bring them 

                          back to his team. “Saul” can only grab one balloon at a time.

                  5.  Once all the balloons have been collected, “Saul” must then be 


                     6. The rest of the team will then go to the hula hoop areas and help

                         guide “Saul” and return each numbered balloon to the correct hoop.

                     7. The game ends when the last team correctly places all their 

                         balloons in the hoop and signals the conversion to “Paul”.

                     8. Teams can go at the same time to cause more confusion as well as

                          encourage better teamwork/communication. This game can also go

                          one at a time and compete for the fastest time.


Goal: Cac em will be going through St. Paul’s conversion to Christianity. The collection of the balloons regardless of the number symbolizes his persecution of all Catholics no matter age or gender. When St. Paul was blinded by the light he had to rely on others to help him to Damascus which is shown by the group’s teamwork and communication to help guide their blind-folded companion.


The Great Commission Race


Lenten Activities